Gay anime boys in boxers

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initially virtually all of us, got into the habit of substituting our normal everyday vest for the latter item. Specified PE kit was white shorts and PE vest on economy grounds, those of us who regularly wore underwear vests, i.e. I remember confiding in this episode with my younger sister, but for some reason I was reluctant to tell my parents, probably because the prospect of kids going about without vests on was rather revolutionary in most households at that time. I remember one Summer afternooon, just before I left primary school, the PE master made us (boys at least, I can't remember if we did PE mixed or not) strip to the waist for PE in the sun in the playground. This was generally cotton (summer) or woollen (winter) vest (singlet for non-UK English speakers) and fly-front underpants, topped with grey flannel shorts and grey shirt, with a woollen jumper in cold weather. There was no special kit (this was not many years after WW2 when clothing was rationed) and we generally did PE in whatever we had on at the time. What is/was your PE kit at school? (with school names)Primary School: age 5 - 10 and some don't allow underwear under gym shorts.ĭo you know any school with such a rule?I don't know any.(I would like to know the school's names,website.etc.

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I've heard that there are still some schools which require boys bing shirtless for P.E.

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