Flair gay bar las vegas

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In 2001 he was featured on the BBC 6 O’clock News in London as he represented the UK at the World Championships in Cuba, and in 2009 he helped bring flair bartending to the mainstream as he wowed the crowds, judges, and viewers at home during a successful run on Britain’s Got Talent.Īlso known as The Bar Hypnosis, his love of competition is firmly rooted in a love of taking to the stage and performing his art, a love he has nurtured since first stepping behind a bar at the age of 18. 2 flair bartender has an impressive CV including wins in competitions across the globe and placing second in the Las Vegas World’s Greatest Bartenders competition. In the world of Flair Bartenders few have the ability to excite, amaze, and inspire like 4 time European Champion Atilla. University Ball, Freshers Week & Student Eventsīook Atilla World Champion Flair Bartender.Street Entertainers, Street Theatre & Parades.Popcorn and Candyfloss Stalls & Tricycles.Temporary, Transfer & Glitter Tattoo Artists.

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